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A humble place

to talk about all the times

conventional wisdom said


but we did anyway.

and sometimes

it worked.


Bass Ackwards Moto

How many people fall when they're learning how to ride a bike?

Everybody does.

But we get back up and try again till we learn how.

Why did we stop being like that?

When did we start believing we couldn't do something before we even tried?

We hope to turn that back around.


We love to hear about all life's little learning experiences because it meant we tried.

Hopefully you will to.

" I think I'd rather just be human, instead of trying to be their idea of perfect"

Navigating in Woods
"At one point in time nobody knew how to do anything. 
and they failed. 
a lot. 
till they got it right."

― Benjamin Evans

Join the Bass Ackwards Forum

Get updated on all the times we succeed or learn. 
(It's not failing if your still trying,
it's learning.)

Thank you for joining us! Get ready to embrace the unexpected and find humor in life's most bass ackwards moments!

2024, Benjamin Evans, All Rights Reserved

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