Short Stories
This is how Sir Heller explained his weird fantasy to me after he was knocked unconscious attempting to catch fish while flying. At the time I was unsure of whether to laugh at such a preposterous dream or to be scared that it might actually come to pass. I will leave it to you to decide on its validity
"They have completely lost all sense of place and are burning down their dwellings to further confuse the invisible predator they are all so afraid of."
What happens when all the wrong people are brought together to decide what happens to the right ones.
"Where did you learn that stuff?"
"From the same person that taught Einstein how to make lightbulbs ."
A great campfire fishing story. Also, a good one for Halloween. You won't believe the ending.
It might even possibly could be true.
"I don't know what you call whatever comes after the worst, but that night was it."
and the scars of Optimism
After what seemed like a week and a day, I finally felt the back of my tent. More precisely, I felt one of the tent stakes as it very gently scraped some more of my dignity away and left me shrieking like a little girl.
"That would have been a GREAT idea. Unfortunately, I did the opposite. "
I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth.
Welcome to the greatest show on Earth.
"The games about to start, the grills going, and in between all that I’m keeping up on current issues and politics.
You know Mult - Tasking through life.”